My baby girl is going to be 13 on Wednesday. It is so hard for me to believe! She has been such a joy to raise! She makes life so sweet! Saturday, I took her and two of her closest friends to McD's for lunch and then let them roam the mall alone for a couple of hours. This was a big step for this mom. I am a little overprotective, I know. They had a great time......visited the photo booth and took silly pictures, got friendship bracelets, tried on clothes, etc. I'm sure there will be many more trips to the mall in the coming years, and many more "firsts" for Baylee and I, as I Let Go and Let God. Someone told me once that we as parents have to give our children roots and wings. The roots part has been easy, it's the wings I'm having a hard time with.

While having lunch, I gave Baylee a purity ring. I had a talk with her and her friends about what that meant. I told her friends that Baylee is blessed to have them in her life and that I wanted the three of them to look out for each other in the coming years. I took a shot of their hands with Baylee Bear's hand on top bearing the ring. It was a sweet and memorable moment.

Eli turned 11 months old yesterday. Wow! This past month has been a month full of milestones and happenings in our little guy's world! He learned to crawl, cut 3 more teeth for a total of 6, and learned to say several words including duck, bah(ball), dah(dog), hi, cat, and many other words that he's trying out. He plays patty cake, waves hello and bye, bye, and dances like you've never seen!! The boy has got rythym!! He LOVES music, being read to, and shooting baskets in his mini b-ball goal. He also LOVES bathtime and outside!

Jammin out at his music table!

He was slow to crawl, but now he's everywhere!!

Happy all the time! This bumbo seat has been awesome, but now we have to have it on the floor because he can easily get out!!!